About us
The Jewellery and Watch Store STROPPIANA S.R.L. is located in Via Marconi 17, Chieri (Turin/Italy). Our telephone numbers are: +39.011-9472707 and +39.011-9411114, while our e-mail is: info@eora.it. The value-added tax (vat) registration number is: 09320210017.
We have been in business from the last 30 years and are able to offer jewels and watches to satisfy all of our customers’ wishes and needs.
We have a specialised laboratory that creates jewels and even repairs them. Similarly with watches, we are capable of servicing and also repairing any type of watch and providing our client with a full guarantee for the work done (Click here to visit our laboratory).
In order to expand our reach of clients we even established two e-commerce sites: www.eora.it for watches; and www.stroppiana.net for jewellry. Hence we hope to see you by the enchanted hills of Chieri to visit the beautiful areas, taste the wines and of course to come to our store in the historical centre of Chieri...
Many thanks for your interest in EORA/ STROPPIANA and for visiting our site!

Our team

Owner and Craftsman Goldsmith

Jewelry Salesperson

Watch Salesperson and Valuation Manager

Watch Salesperson

Watch Salesperson

Watch Technician

Head of Administrative and Financial Services